Rising Bhadla 2 Pvt Ltd

In 2016, the RSE group was awarded the bid for setting up a 70 MW(AC)/ 87.5 MW (DC) Solar Power Project at Bhadla Solar Park, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. The bidding for this project was carried out by NTPC Limited, India’s biggest power producer, under the National Solar Mission of the Government of India. This state-of-art solar power project has been implemented through, Rising Bhadla 2 Pvt. Ltd, a 100% owned subsidiary of Rising Sun Energy Pvt. Ltd (RSE) and was constructed within a time span of 6 months from scratch in the Thar desert. The project has been fully operational for five years now and has been achieving CUF of over 24% (AC Capacity) since commissioning, which is one of the highest CUF achieved by any project in the state of Rajasthan and in the country. At the time of commissioning of its projects in 2017, RSE was the proud supplier of one of the cheapest solar powers in India and Asia and the 3rd lowest globally. The project is also unique as it was set up based on a partnership between India and Singapore Companies. It received one of the highest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Rajasthan, India from Singapore in the renewable energy sector.

Overview of Bhadla-2

General Overview AC Capacity (MW) 70
DC Capacity (MWp) 87.5
COD 1/12/2017
Land (acres) 348
Location Bhadla Solar Park, Rajasthan
Offtake Details Off-taker NTPC
Off-taker Credit Rating AAA
Tariff (INR/kwh) 4.35
PPA Tenor (# years) 25
Technical Details Module Make Canadian Solar, JA Solar
Inverter Make ABB