ESG Activities

The Rising Sun Energy group is committed to building a sustainable future and strives to contribute to the society through focus on various ESG aspects of development of renewable power projects. Following are some of the key developmental aspects of the Bhadla Projects where in the company has been able to successfully contribute towards betterment of the society:


The project supplies reliable green power to over 6 million households every year and also reduces carbon emissions by more than 5,60,816 tonnes every year for the next 25 years

The discharge water used for module cleaning does not include any chemical or hazardous material and hence no treatment is required


The projects did not involve any physical resettlement/displacement as there were no habitation or settlements in the proposed area

The projects have generated employment of over 8000 people directly and indirectly in the state of Rajasthan

The projects utilised appropriate labour management system and formularised occupational and community health and safety policy

Proper fire safety measures and sufficient firefighting equipment have been installed at the site. Proper training regarding handling of such equipment was provided to all the working personnel


Use of Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) along with a Grievance Redressal Committee (GRM) for resolving all the compliance disputes and grievances

CSR Activities

The Rising Sun Energy group is committed to building a sustainable future and strives to contribute to the society through focus on various ESG aspects of development of renewable power projects. Following are some of the key developmental aspects of the Bhadla Projects where in the company has been able to successfully contribute towards betterment of the society:

Rescue and treatment of Domoiselle Cranes from H5N1 virus infection

Domoiselle Cranes are the smallest species of cranes that migrate from Central Siberia to Indian subcontinent(Jodhpur, Rajasthan) in winters. In November 2021,few of these cranes were found dead and several others sick because of H5N1 (highly infectious) virus. With the help of the grant given by RSE to Wildlife Trust of India, birds were treated as per the protocol along with partnership with Rajasthan Forest Department. Funds were also utilized in distribution of PPE kits for officials involved in treating these birds. By the end of December 2021,the mortality rate declined and there was significant visual increase in crane population.

Facilitating wildlife rescue and release

Rising Sun Energy aided the wildlife rescue operations by providing a rescue vehicle and other rescue kits to the team of volunteers and officials in Jawai Bandh Leopard Conservation Reserve in Rajasthan. 10 rescues have been carried out since provision of theses aids including one operation wherein a leopard was ingeniously rescued by the forest officials/volunteers. The leopard rescue operation was carried using tarpaulin covering to camouflage a cage into a cave so as to lure the leopard inside. The leopard settled into the makeshift cave and within an hour, it was pulled out of the well.

CSR support to Human Development Institute (HDI)

Human Development Institute has been working to empower special children (with disabilities) through rehabilitation, education and skill development. RSE provided financial aid to the Institute, to effectively utilise its resources and infrastructure facilities easing them continue undertaking various such initiatives.

Distribution of Covid relief material in government hospitals

In global crisis in the face of COVID 19 pandemic ,RSE lent a helping hand to the Government of Rajasthan by contributing 1050 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Kits worth INR 10 Lakhs to the district hospital, Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, for utilization by doctors and paramedics to support and enable them to fight and crusade against the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CSR support rendered to promote education in rural area

Rising Sun Energy, in line with its belief of education being the most powerful weapon for the growth of the society, contributed towards the renovation of Government Primary School situated in Chudo ki Basti, Village Bhadla, district Jodhpur in the state of Rajasthan as part of its CSR initiative. Rising Sun Energy, with two solar projects currently operational in village Bhadla, realized the importance of improving the infrastructure of the school to aid quality education to underprivileged children of the village. Under this project, Rising Sun Energy contributed towards structural development of school building consisting of repair and construction of boundary wall, flooring of porch, painting of school walls, installation of new main gate and outdoor play equipment for kids. Apart from this, educational paintings drawn on school walls to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of classrooms.

The support provided has resulted in the creation of a vibrant and stimulating learning environment, hopefully motivating many other children to gain education.

Renovation of Mehoji Talab in Jodhpur district

Rising Sun Energy (“RSE”), in partnership with the non-profit organisation Arpan Seva Sansthan, has successfully implemented a transformative water sustainability project in the Bapini village of Jodhpur district, Rajasthan. For this ambitious initiative, RSE contributed INR 40 Lakhs that has been utilized for the benefit of 11 neighbouring villages and directly addresses the chronic water scarcity in the region, impacting over 15,700 residents. The renovation of the pond significantly increased the pond's storage capacity by 12,960 cubic meters, securing a dependable water supply throughout the year. This improvement has significantly reduced the villagers' dependence on distant water sources. Apart from this, the implementation of modern water management techniques by this project has led to a marked decrease in waterborne diseases, thereby improving public health and reducing medical expenses for the community.

Empowering Education for a Brighter Future: Rising Sun Energy's Grant to Simple Education Foundation

Education is the most powerful weapon for the growth of our society leading to a better sustainable future and lowering the poverty and illiteracy lines of our country. With this belief, Rising Sun Energy provided a grant of INR 17,50,000 to Simple education Foundation(SEF).SEF is an organization that works with the government to build state-wide strengthening programs for current and future teachers to increase the standard of teaching in government schools across India. The funds were utilized at 3 government schools in Delhi through the Centers of Excellence Program to build competencies in the key enablers of learning :principals, teachers and parents. This will empower each enabler to positively influence a child’s life while also collaborating to ensure children experience high-quality education in school and at home.

We place a high priority on creating projects that meet the best sustainability standards